Paint Nite
Brand Refresh
Brand Strategy
Product Design
Paint Nite
Founded in 2012 by Dan Hermann and Sean McGrail, Paint Nite set out to change the way people hang out with each other. Hosted nationwide at local bars, Paint Nite events are run by charismatic hosts who MC the night and teach you how to complete a selected painting. It's a fun way to try new things, meet new people, and have a fun night of eating and drinking with your friends.
Paint Nite started as a concept event in the basement of a Boston bar. As the company grew and its events began to number in the thousands, it became clear to Paint Nite's team that its website is not meeting the needs of the company's audience. People needed more robust tools to browse and book events, make personal lists and find out more about the hosts and venues. The company also wanted to find engaging ways to display event feeds, feature venues, and highlight the diverse backgrounds of Paint Nite hosts.
Studio Piko worked closely with PaintNite's founders and its product director on a comprehensive redesign of its website and a digital update to its brand identity.
The new identity establishes Paint Nite's signature magenta as the sole primary color, a welcome departure from the original's eight, which struggled to stand out against any background color other than white. Magenta is complemented by three new screen-optimized accent colors, used for various UI elements. The main logo has also been redrawn to be more legible on tablets and mobile phones.
On the website, the event feed was revamped with a flexible module system to display a significantly larger variety of events and event information. A combination of Instagram photos and interesting art-related info bits was included in the feed to convey the dynamic energy at the events. One of the recurring pain points for Paint Nite before the redesign was displaying events with both vertical and horizontal paintings without cropping them. Through the development of auto-height masonry modules, the problem was transformed into a beautiful feed of individually sized posts.
The event search was also simplified, with a simpler and bigger search bar, live search results, a comprehensive map view, and robust options for advanced search. A streamlined and more visual booking and reservation flow completed the event user experience.
Venue and host profile pages were restructured to allow for richer content and more social interaction. The new design enables the platform to better display its expansive network of venues and event hosts, creating a richer experience for users. Lastly, a “Night Mode” easter egg was added, turning the page into a magenta canvas with paint drips running down the page after ten seconds of inactivity.
With the advent of Covid, Paint Nite has expanded from in-person paint experiences to virtual events, as well as a variety of different classes, and is now known as Paint Nite by Yaymaker. Today, its events are held in over 3,300 venues worldwide, including Argentina, Canada, South Africa, and the U.K.
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Founded in 2012 by Dan Hermann and Sean McGrail, Paint Nite set out to change the way people hang out with each other.
Let’s talk!
+1 339 927 0405